Roscommon (090) 6627350 Elphin (071) 9635024

Compulsory Purchase Orders

The Local Authority or An Bord Pleanala have the power to acquire property compulsorily by way of a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO).   In the case of a Local Authority it is most widely used for road widening purposes.  It could also be used to facilitate developments...

Vacant Site Levy

Under the Urban Regeneration and Housing Act 2015 (“the Act”) all Planning Authorities are required to introduce and maintain a Register of vacant sites within their boundaries.  The purpose of the Act is to reduce the number of properties lying dormant in areas in...

Making a Will

You have worked hard all your life building up your farm and/or business and /or saving to provide for yourself and maybe a family. Have you thought about what would happen in the awful event that you met with a fatal accident and the one thing you hadn’t done was...

When is a good time to create an Enduring Power of Attorney?

The need for creating an Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA) has become an important topic of conversation for many people, particularly those who are elderly and those suffering from a diagnosis of dementia or Alzheimers. An Enduring Power of Attorney has become very...