The breakdown of a marriage or partnership is an extremely emotional and distressing time for any person. Legal matters are an unavoidable part of relationship breakdown and it is important that the best professional advice is obtained so as not to compound an already difficult and stressful time.
We will advise you on your rights and obligations both to the other party and to children and the options of mediation and the various methods of dissolving a marriage through separation agreements, Judicial Separation, Divorce or nullity and the recent developments under the Civil Partnership and Cohabitation Act, 2010.
Compulsory Purchase Orders
The Local Authority or An Bord Pleanala have the power to acquire property compulsorily by way of a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO).
Vacant Site Levy
Under the Urban Regeneration and Housing Act 2015 (“the Act”) all Planning Authorities are required to introduce and maintain a Register of vacant sites within their boundaries.